Monday, January 13, 2014

Flour Tortillas

How to make flour tortillas.
Flour Tortillas made with Butter

This recipe is for 20-tortillas.  You can divide the recipe for smaller quantities.

4 1/2-cups All Purpose Flour
2-Teaspoons of Baking Powder
1-Teaspoon of Salt

Combine all the ingredients above in a large bowl.

2-Tablespoon Butter (room temperature)

Cut butter into flour.  Once you are done you should not be able to feel any lumps of butter in flour.  Very important:  You must allow this mixture to rest a minimum of 15-minutes.  

2 cup of hot water (from the tap)

Pour 2 cups of water into flour and mix into dough.  If the dough fills dry add a little more water.  (Note: The water in the air will affect your dough.)

Move dough to a floured cutting board and knead to form dough for Tortillas. You shouldn't have to knead the dough for more then 2-minutes.  Now the next most important step:  Allow the dough to rest 10-minutes.

Knead in your hand
Pinch a ball of dough from dough you just kneaded.  You are now going to knead this small ball of dough into a flat circle.
Pinch a ball of dough

This should take a few seconds
Rest 15-minutes

Once you have made all you little balls of dough you must allow this dough to rest at least 15-minutes.  In the meantime you can get your skillet heating up.  I use a cast iron skillet and the temperature is set a little higher then medium. 

The video above will demonstrate how to knead the ball of dough and tricks on how to roll out your flour tortilla.  It will also demonstrate how long it takes to cook one tortilla.  

When you have finished making your tortillas wrap them in a cotton dish towel.  I always place a paper towel under the bottom tortilla to help absorb some of the steam which will be steaming off the freshly made tortillas.  This dish towel will help to keep your tortillas soft. Once the tortillas have totally cooled off I place the tortillas wrapped in the dish towel in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator.

If you are counting calories:  The flour I used stated 330 calories per 3/4 cup. The butter 100 per tablespoon can reduce the calories by using Pam spray or a lower calorie fat.


  1. Nice! Now I am going to make some tortillas! Nice video.

  2. Thank you. I make the large quantity of the dry mix and keep it in the refrigerator as a ready mix and just remove a couple of cups of the dry mix at a time for smaller batches. You could even freeze it...just allow the dry mix to come to room temperature before you add the hot water.

  3. Excellent video! I love your extra little tips!
