Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spicy Smoked Albondiga Soup

Albondiga's in english is simply Meatballs. I used cherry chips to make these delicious spicy smoked meatballs.

The list of spices is for 5-pounds of ground beef.  I spice the entire 5-pounds and portion out what I will use for each dish.
I vacuum pack the remaining beef for future use. For this dish I used 1 pound 4 oz ground beef.

Spices for 5-pounds of Ground Beef:

  • 5-crushed garlic cloves
  • 1-tsp allspice
  • 1-Tbsp Mexican Oregano
  • 1-Tbsp Celery Seeds
  • 1-tsp ground Cayenne Red Pepper
  • 1-tsp powder garlic
  • 1-tsp powder onions
  • 1-tsp Red Cracked Pepper
  • 2-Tbsp Montreal Steak seasoning
  • 1-tsp Cilantro powder
  • 2-tsp Salt
  • 2-scramble Eggs
  • 1-cup diced Celery
Mix the scrambled eggs and spices into the ground beef. Set in refrigerator for 1-hour to allow spices to marinate into the meat.
Portioned out 1-pound 4 oz from the 5-pound beef roll
Divide the beef into 21-meatballs.
Place meatballs in smoker, set at 230 degrees. Meatballs are done when they reach 165 degree's.  Remove from smoker and add to soup.

Soup Ingredients:

1-corn on the cob sliced into 8-pieces
1-cup celery root diced
1-cup celery diced
1-cup Russet Potatoes diced and rinsed to remove starch
2-cups green cabbage
1-cup red cabbage
3-bay leaves
5-cups water
2-Tbsp Beef Bouillon

Boil the above soup ingredients until tender, remove bay leaves and add smoked meatballs.  Serve with lemon or lime wedge, warm flour or corn tortillas and salsa.

I use this same meatball recipe when I am making spicy smoked meatballs with Grape Jelly.  Or it I am adding them to Spaghetti.

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  1. Your dishes always look so delicious. I also like how your recipes are so easy to follow. I know I'm going to try this one in the very near future.
